The ROSE way planning has 5 elements to the framework. These are all linked and mapped to National Quality Standard 1 Educational Program and Practice

  1.  Ways of Knowing (the what)
  2. Ways of Doing (the how)
  3. Ways of Thinking (the why)
  4.  Ways of Sharing (the happenings)
  5. The Emerging Image (the child)

Traditional planning is to observe the children’s interests and then base the planning on this. The ROSE way works in a different way by using a research and inquiry based approach to the planning and fusing this with the children’s emerging play concepts.

What comes with the subscription?

  • Book 1: Theory and research booklet to provide understanding of the underpinning, including the links to QA1​​
  • Book 2: "How to implement' booklet with examples for the team to refer to​​
  • Access to 'Introductory ROSE Way video' to support the implementation initially and accessible for new team members as they join.​​
  • On subscription in the first term of implementation, ROSE Way Educator journals are provided for each room. (If a service wants to continue to use the ROSE Way journals these are available on the website)
  • Access to three online training sessions over the year of subscription for all educators.
  • Pracademic Framework poster and support booklet for team meetings.
  • ROSE Way coach is assigned to support the first term of implementation.